Today I am reminded once again how truly great the community is. Throughout the day we have had over 25 people from The Home Depot come out to volunteer their time building our garden. Tony and the entire Home Depot crew have been just amazing. I have worked with many volunteers groups over the years and this is one of the hardest working groups I have seen! I cannot say thank you enough to this wonderful crew.

The person that truly made this happen today was Mark Schingen from Schingen Landscape. He has taken the lead on this project. His design is perfect for our kids. He really took the time to consider what our kids would like and what would work best for them. He has been here throughout the week and is simply amazing! He was able to recruit a few other landscapers in the area to help with the ground work, getting ready for today’s large group of volunteers. Another example of the community stepping up and helping out.

The big parts of the garden will be done today, but Mark will be coming in over the weekend and the next couple of weeks putting some of the finishing touches on it. Today during the build, we had two children here using our services. So they came out to check things out and see how the volunteers were doing. Amelia jumped right in and got dirty! It was great to see the kids enjoying it before it is even complete. There are a lot of pictures on our Facebook page of the garden and I will continue to add them there as Mark keeps adding more.