Gio’s Garden offer resources to our families beyond the initial contact meeting. This includes Newsletters, Parent Informational Sessions, Family Outings, and individual meetings with Gio’s Garden staff.
Parent Informational Sessions: Throughout the year, Gio’s Garden will host informational sessions on topics that are of interest to families.
Family Outings: These outings are an opportunity to make connections with other Gio’s Garden parents and families. Siblings are able to connect with other siblings, while parents may find another family that would be a good fit for future play dates. This is a great opportunity to meet others in the same situation.
Individual Meetings: Parents have the opportunity to meet with Gio’s Garden senior staff as needed throughout the time their child receives services through Gio’s Garden. Individual meetings can discuss resources, funding questions, new diagnoses, and other challenges your family may be trying to navigate.
Parent Facebook Group: Parents are also invited to join our private Facebook group. This is a safe place to meet our parents in the same situation, ask questions and share information.
Community Resource Database: Check out our Community Resource Database for the most recent information on local resources for families with special needs. Our team works continuously to keep this list updated to the best of our ability. Gio’s Garden is not affiliated with and does not endorse any resource on this list. We simply strive to provide families with the best information that we can.