I met today with some fabulous people who contacted us about our telephone system and helping us get that up and running. It just recently dawned on me that we would have to have a business phone plan for the house…not just a single phone line. Gee…go figure.
When talking with Beth and Nissa from Affiliated Communications of Wisconsin and Kevin from Integrated Building Systems, I realized I wasn’t thinking like a small business owner…even though I had been telling myself and the rest of the board that we needed to think that way. This charitable dream of ours is great…but you still need to think like a business owner to get stuff done even when we aren’t going to be making a profit.
When they asked about security systems for the entrances, I froze. Security for what? Then I remembered daycare licensing requirements and it dawned on me that I hadn’t budgeted properly for a 24-hour locked front and back door with access needed to be given only to those allowed to enter. Really? We have to lock the doors when caring for kids in the house?
Luckily, they saw the look in my eyes (it may have been a nervous twitch) and quickly started talking about all the options, how they work, how parents could get in and out…etc. Instantly, they were prepared to help us!
It feels good to know we have neighbors that are willing to do what they can for our dream to become a reality in the next few months. I’m glad they didn’t laugh at me. Maybe they did when they got into their cars and drove home. 🙂
I also met some more fantastic donors who brought over medical supplies, books, kitchen supplies, dress up clothes for the kids, children’s table and chairs. We can’t thank all of you enough! We will again be at the house Saturday, Feb 4 from Noon to 12! Stop by if you want to donate items from the wish list!